Replacement Windows Save Lives

You already know that new windows can increase the curb appeal of your home, save  you money on energy costs, and reduce drafts…I mean, doesn’t EVERY window guy tell you that?(Yes. They do.)Look at any window ad and that is the main story.   BUT… what they don’t tell you is that replacement windows can also save lives.

Here is how.

Most cities require a building permit for replacing windows in your home.So after they are installed an inspector needs to come out and inspect them.While he is there, he will walk through your house and make sure your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide alarms are installed, placed correctly and in working condition.

What this means to you is that you could have perfectly installed and insualted windows but FAIL your building inspection if you don’t have batteries in your smoke detectors.Why, you ask?Because your city officials really want you to stay safe.They want you and your home to be there for a long, long time.Go ahead, be cynical and say it is just because they want to keep collecting your taxes.Who cares?As long as you are alive life is good.And my point is proven.Replacement windows save lives.

Want to read that actual?MN Building Code on that topic?Click here.

Are you reading this and thinking that now you have just one more thing to worry about when you replace your windows? Don’t worry.Steve the Window Guy will give you all the information you need to make sure your home is protected and all the smoke detectors and fire alarms are in working condition.   Not only that, but he will give you windows that will increase the curb appeal of your home, save you money on energy costs and reduce drafts.  Call him.

 Author:  Melissa Brager

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